Hey Betches!
Hi folks! So we've been known to go on hiatuses every now and then... but this last one was a doozy! We're back this week and in rare form. This episode is all ladies all the time. With Marvel's release of
Fearless Defenders and their all women
X-men, we've got a lot of divas floatin' around. We also shake our fists at Peter David for possibly killing off two of our favorite queeros, and facepalm at
Demon Knights' new gendered treatment of Sir Ystin. We got a lot more this episode. Hope you enjoy! Subscribe to our podcast over at the
iTunes site, or download it directly
Our picks of the week:
Fearless Defenders #5 |
X-men Vol 4 #1 |
Betching of the week:
Ricstar! Don't be dead!! |
Sir Ystin, Genderqueer 4 Lyfe! |
Betch of the week!:
Love the oversized sweater. #BloodstoneRealness |
Slash Pairings of the Week!:
Kirk/Spock/Khan. You know you want it |
Stiles/Everyone. Also, this pic makes it way too easy. |
Let us know what you think! Plus, any comics you think we missed in our coverage let us know! Send us a tweet @ScarletBetch or by email at scarletbetch@gmail.com
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